|墨形 — 漢晉古磚特展| The Shape of Ink - Ancient Bricks Special Exhibition

  • 2022/08/01(周一) 09:00(+0800) ~ 2022/08/15(周一) 18:00(+0800) ( iCal/Outlook, Google 日曆 )
  • 台北市大安區 / 大安路一段116巷5號B1(近忠孝復興捷運站)
  • 1 / 30
  • 川藝術 Current Art Space聯絡主辦單位

川藝術 Current Art Space期許每一位來到美術館的觀眾,都能透過這些作品,自然的欣賞器物最直接的美,並了解不同時代的文化脈絡,從這個展覽中感受新的共鳴。

本展以《墨形The Shape of Ink》為名,探討當代潮流藝術下,代表傳統的墨,在歷經古磚到書畫兩千年來的形變之後,在這個時代還有什麼樣的可能性。我們藉由古磚作為載體,以花道和時裝水彩呈現 ”永存” 與 ”一瞬” 這自人類有意識以來便存在的哲學問題。花被採下之時已死,花道家則賦予花彷若永生綻放的姿態;而古磚看似千年不動,卻默默乘載了各個時代給予他的意象與理想,成為永存的象徵,而時裝水彩的創作也如同古磚一樣,時裝水彩畫家即是一個時代潮流的紀錄者。



Current Art Space’s newest exhibition "The Shape of Ink-Ancient Bricks Special Exhibition" opens on July 15th. The theme of this exhibition is to abstract ink into a carrier for recording ideas, reflecting whatever the appearance of the form also carries the will of the present and is passed down. This exhibition unfolds with three main axes: " Immortality of Epigraphy", " Rubbing Bricks" and " Eternal Glimpses ", leading the audience to travel through the historical origin of ancient bricks, the literati’s pursuit of Song and Ming Dynasties, to the contemporary use of bricks as the source of inspiration.

Current Art Space has built a presentation of ikebana and fashion illustrations with the theme of ancient bricks. This exhibition not only presents the historical knowledge and literati taste of ancient bricks from Han Dynasty to Jin Dynasty but also hopes to add philosophical thinking to the ancient and long-lasting gold and stone through its own perception. The exhibition period is from July 15th to August 15th.




票種 販售時間 售價

~ 2022/08/15 18:00(+0800) 結束販售
  • 免費

1 報名人